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What is a design system?

Often in our work we are asked for things that sound simple, but in fact aren’t. (Or would be simple, but wouldn’t be a truly good solution.) And many of those challenges relate to design systems, and whether or not the client has one, or even thinks they need one. A...

Insightful Experience

Back in November, I had the pleasure of attending the HOW Interactive Conference in San Francisco. It was exciting, inspirational, and educational. This was the first conference I ever attended in my career. It was the first HOW interactive conference ever, so I felt...

Meet the Avatars

This is our full cast and crew. There’s an avatar for everybody in the office, except our beloved design studio dogs. But they’re coming soon, along with our mailperson, gardener, and who knows who else. Maybe you? So, let’s get started. We’re letting the avatars...

Spiffing Up the Blog?

One of the things we’ll do to fulfill resolution #7 is to share more about what makes HB Design special. This will include some behind-the-scenes looks at daily office life. As a first step, we’re going to share some avatars Leslie created to explain the...

Our 2012 Resolutions

At HB Design we will… Use our paper resources wisely Be generous with compliments Bring treats for office dogs Collect donations for a cause Strive to be excellent listeners Help a friend find a job Revamp this blog to be more...